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Helen Pettifer Training Ltd Reviews

Matthew C, 21 Sep 2023

The course was good, the trainer was knowledgeable and engaged with the room with answering questions when asked. The course was lengthy but didn't feel long which was nice. I feel the course could of done some more practical and or role play to see the information that was provided put into action.
Response : Matthew, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. There is a lot to cover in the time and I do appreciate your comments regarding more practical applications based on the information covered in the course.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

khalid h, 20 Sep 2023

I found the course very interesting and it has given me skills and phrases to use when speaking to customers who are considering suicide. I also found the statistics very surprising as this just shows how often such incidents happen and this is something that is not mentioned much in society.
Response : Khalid, thank you for your detailed and positive feedback. I am so glad you feel that the course has given you the skills to handle these conversations.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Helen B, 20 Sep 2023

I found Helen very informative and listened to our input and found her very personable. I also thank her for sharing her story, it was very emotional to hear and brave to talk about.
Response : Helen, thank you for your kind comments. I am so pleased you found the course informative.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Brad W, 20 Sep 2023

Very good and insightful course - thanks!
Response : Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback Brad; I am so pleased you found the course useful.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Steve G, 13 Sep 2023

Today was very informative and productive for myself and everyone else I feel. Definitely a confidence booster moving forward. Helen made the day very relaxed and I was engaged from start to finish! Thanks.
Response : Steve, thank you for taking the time to leave such positive feedback. I am so pleased you found the course informative and engaging and that it helped to boost your confidence.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Maia T, 13 Sep 2023

The training was very informative and was delivered in a friendly manner; many topics to think about, understanding of the therminology "a vulnarable customer" and how to deal in such situations. Nice balance of theory and practice. Thank you, Helen!
Response : Thank you for taking the time to leave such positive feedback Maia. I am so glad you found the course informative.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Maggie M, 11 Sep 2023

Good resources provided and good chat with other advisers on strategies.
Response : Maggie, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. I am glad you found the resources useful and that the day generated some good discussions around strategy with other advisers.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Phoebe G, 07 Sep 2023

It was very informative! I feel more confident in speaking with customers who may be showing signs of or experiencing vulnerability. I also feel a lot more confident in knowing what to do with the information that the customers provide me and know where to signpost them if necessary. Helen answered any queries I had and I would recommend her to anyone!
Response : Thank you for your detailed and positive feedback Phoebe, it is much appreciated. I am very pleased that you feel more confident in speaking with vulnerable customers and with where to signpost if necessary.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Lauren N, 07 Sep 2023

The course was great, I feel like I learned so much but what made it even nicer was that Helen shared her own personal experiences so I feel like we connected with her on a deeper level and what she was saying had come from experience. She was so lovely and inviting! I came away from the course with so much more knowledge. Thank you
Response : Lauren, thank you for taking the time to leave such detailed and positive feedback. I am so pleased you enjoyed the course and that you gained more knowledge as a result.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Holly D, 07 Sep 2023

Helen was great. It was a lot of information and was very glad to have some break time to take away and reflect. Very happy with what I learnt today.
Response : Thank you for your positive feedback Holly. We do cover a lot of information in the time but I'm glad you were happy with the course.

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[ Inappropriate review ]