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Katharine D, 23 Sep 2021
Very impressed with the course so far. As always it would be lovely to have longer for discussion but totally understand the time constraints. The facilitators are very engaging and thought provoking. I am impressed how in an online meeting they manage to exude so much energy and get such good conversation going.
Matt H, 23 Sep 2021
nicely balanced, iot's challenging to engage with this online but they did a good job of getting that engagement going. i felt this was quite introductory so looking forward to advancing things at next meeting
Sara W, 23 Sep 2021
Fine so far - however technical competence assumed of all group members which maybe was a mistake! In group breakaways - some members of the group sped along leaving others behind
Al M, 23 Sep 2021
An enjoyable course. Felt it might have been better if it was delivered in person.
Sonia R, 22 Sep 2021
Great course, thought provoking and very helpful.
Gareth K, 22 Sep 2021
Brilliant course to help make us aware of what we need to do to present the band we need to make a difference. The appearance of security is as important than being secure itself.
Ian G, 22 Sep 2021
While Lou and Jen where different in style, I thought they contrasted and supported each other well. I found the content interesting engaging and the presenters got the balance of participation and content just right. I also found Martin and interesting speaker and case study. He is very different to myself and I think he is fortunate to have natural abilities in creating and cultivating a personal brand whereas I think I maybe have to be more mindful and give it more active thought on a daily basis to be successful.
Dougl B, 22 Sep 2021
Would be good to have more content within the course workbook
Scott M, 21 Sep 2021
So far I think the course has been great and the lessons I have learnt have been really useful. The improvement I would say at this stage is that it would be useful to have the slides we are shown on screen during the session to be shared with us. It is sometimes difficult to note them down during.