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Hassina J, 23 Sep 2021
Really useful course. I will definitely be recommending it to others
Colanne M, 23 Sep 2021
Very useful tips and the interactive parts worked really well considering it's all virtual!
Sam C, 23 Sep 2021
Some good takeaways and nice short breakout sessions
Mandy K, 23 Sep 2021
really good course. brings a lot to perspective. some areas which are more obvious that i need to work on personally but also shows me im doing a good job too. im not as bad as some people may think or i think about myself! really good self development course. highs and lows - i need to get better at things and im already doing well in other areas looking forward to more sessions
Louise M, 23 Sep 2021
It is new and interesting subject - one which definitely needs exploring and talking about!
Adele N, 23 Sep 2021
Great to see D&I coming to life and for us as managers to understand the role we have in creating safe spaces to enable an inclusive culture. Safe spaces kept coming up in discussion so something we should focus on... it speaks to the feedback Abstract received on this blame culture we seem to still be holding onto. We as managers need to role model it's ok to make mistakes if we are to improve. We need to make sure we are approachable and people are not left to 'fail' and accept the 'consequences' Great course with really engaging facilitators
Ian B, 23 Sep 2021
a good mix of talking, presenting and break out sessions. i learnt something!
Cath V, 23 Sep 2021
I can't wait to try out in my Team Meeting next week
Richard Q, 23 Sep 2021
As Clay seemed quite softly spoken I would like to hear his volume increased a little before the next module if possible, otherwise presentation was well balanced & well paced, with both Clay & Lou invested in their work. I would also like to see the training promoted more widely among non-management to give staff a better understanding of the organisations will to change its culture & to help build the trust of staff in their management to assist in facilitating a widespread acceptance of 'uncomfortable conversations' being held in safe spaces. Tell the staff when, why & how cultural competence is being improved in their managers & most importantly why the staff are VITAL in making this work for all. Not every staff /manager relationship is perfect so how do those staff & managers get their voices heard ?
Ben E, 23 Sep 2021
Excellent content and structure; could have used and agenda and timing of what to expect in the 2.5 hours, better introductions from everyone and 10 min break slightly earlier please!