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Steve O, 07 Oct 2021
Good content and thought provoking. Could have done we an extra 30 mins for more discussion time as really interesting hearing views and perspectives from colleagues.
Dan L, 07 Oct 2021
Good session, more time allocated to the challenging questions would have been good and allowed more curious conversations. Personally also interested in a discussion about how much we can expect to change the cultural norms and break down any barriers within the organisation, when that's set against a national dialogue from our politicians and press that seems to drive division and promote a very fixed idea of Britishness for example, that is not really inclusive. Should we be recognising that national picture more and talking about how we try to insulate the organisation from it.
mervyn b, 07 Oct 2021
a stimulating and thought provoking course, quite fast paced and demanded very high levels of concentration. I t would have been good to have a bit more of a mid-point break. It was almost like there was too much 'energy in the room'
Denise P, 06 Oct 2021
Really interesting and thought provoking. Some aspects made me feel slightly uncomfortable but in a good way. It has definitely left me with more questions than answers, there is so much more that I want to understand
Emily N, 06 Oct 2021
Very thought provoking, helpful and pitched well to people with difference views and approaches Would be good to plan PACE sessions longer ahead to accommodate diaries
Paul K, 06 Oct 2021
All good, nice and clear. It would be helpful to have some practical work related examples that show why a focus on ED and I is important eg what happens when it is overlooked.
jackie m, 06 Oct 2021
I really enjoyed this and found it inspirational and could relate some of the content to how i could improve things or start conversations in my area I did find some of the explanations quite quick and the questions in the breakout groups were quite complex
Arthur D, 06 Oct 2021
Introduction was too long, and some of the material could have been covered quicker to allow more time for small group discussion, which I felt was the most useful part of the session.
alex m, 06 Oct 2021
A helpful and well delivered course