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Sobia Z, 17 May 2022
It will be good to have the slides with definition whilst doing the exercises as I kept on forgetting the key objective / summary of the 8 areas
Adil M, 17 May 2022
Really engaging and an enjoyable conversation.
Hannah S, 17 May 2022
More time for discussion would have been nice. But rushed towards the end.
Grant A, 12 May 2022
A very worthwhile and thought provoking course. It has made me think much more about my own personal brand and what I want to achieve in the months and years ahead. Much appreciated!
Claire B, 11 May 2022
Question 6 from the EQ self assessment are difficult to understand for none english native speakers
Karyn W, 11 May 2022
Interesting course that made me think a lot about how I see myself and how others see me. A lot to put into practice in the next few weeks. Jen and Lou made a really good job of making everyone feel like they were in a room working together. I enjoyed this aspect and the atmosphere created.
Patricia B, 10 May 2022
Was a good way to allow for reflection and create an action. I will commit to reaching out to do more networking and engagement with colleagues!
Colin R, 05 May 2022
Course, Lou and Shona all excellent. Thank you. You think you've been in corporate land for long enough to know a lot ..... but there is always more to learn and more to learn about people and I got a lot of that over the last 2 days.
Sophie E, 05 May 2022
Really good session. lots of helpful take aways. Some of the content on second day was slightly repetative of learnings I've done on other courses but thats the only thing I'd make down. Good facilitation from both Lou and Shona.