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Fiona O, 26 Apr 2022
Very good course. Good refresh and some new ideas such as radical candour.
Colanne M, 26 Apr 2022
Overall an extremely engaging and informative course. Really enjoyed the openness and the in person learning. The networking opportunity was really helpful.
Emily S, 21 Apr 2022
Useful. Would have perhaps been good to go through specific examples and brainstorm from the team. We did this a bit but I felt there were a few common conflict types and it would have been good to strategise on those specific topics.
Kevin C, 16 Apr 2022
Good content and pace of delivery. Provided me with tools to take back into my role and business.
Sonia R, 06 Apr 2022
Interesting material and what I really like is we got to put in practice the training material during the session.
Karyn W, 06 Apr 2022
The case study of challenger was the most relevant and interesting case study I've ever seen used. Really enjoyed that session. Lots of great takeaways from this course. Thank you.
Nicholas S, 03 Apr 2022
I have enjoyed the course and found it very useful!
Nicola B, 01 Apr 2022
Enjoyed the course and Lou and Clay lead and facilitated conversations well. Went at the right pace.
Lee O, 30 Mar 2022
The use of quotes always inspires. The breakout rooms are timed well and I like that we are given a question and starter for ten to keep the group focused. The change of facilitators is always timed well and I enjoy the remind and revise elements and the language is pitched just right for someone like me! I would like to have had more direction for the PACE pod discussions as these always took a while to get going, maybe some specific questions like the breakout room would foster more discussion. I hope this course is now rolled out to all staff and not just managers as I always thought staff from all levels should be involved in this with us.
Jacqueline W, 30 Mar 2022
Excellent facilitators who are very knowledgeable. Interesting subjects for thought and discussion I will continue to work on these outcomes.