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Maja O, 06 Jul 2021
I have found this course very useful, it has made me look at myself and think how i am at the moment and what i need to do to be even better. I will look into building my brand and within that work on my confidence.
Michael T, 06 Jul 2021
Overall i thought the presentation was extremely well designed and organised. What i liked most about today was the consistent and constant engagement we had individually and as a group - the balance was spot on. I tend to find that without a healthy balance in the presentation/modules, it can be difficult to stay enthusiastic and engaged. This was not the case today.
Lauren W, 01 Jul 2021
This module has really opened my eyes to what my values are and where I want to be within my career. It's also shown me that i need to second guess myself less and trust my own knowledge
Lauryn W, 01 Jul 2021
Both Jen an Lou have been great!!
Linda C, 01 Jul 2021
great course to reflex and adopt tools and strategys
Aideen M, 01 Jul 2021
Really great to be included as a one off in this session. Really great facilitators that were really welcoming of conversation and discussion. Very engaging
BIANCA N, 01 Jul 2021
Lovely! I have been having great food for thought.
Angelica H, 01 Jul 2021
Really looking to deep dive into purpose and politics
Paula B, 30 Jun 2021
Enjoyable and thought provoking course, I enjoyed discovering more about myself and how others can perceive me.
Elizabeth P, 30 Jun 2021
Interesting and makes you consider yourself in ways you have not before