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Katie B, 18 Nov 2021

An interesting course, good insight into the way decisions are made and impacted by judgement. Really great group working piece (NASA question) that pulled everything together and the guest speaker slot fitted the course perfectly.

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Hamish D, 18 Nov 2021

Really enjoyed yesterday's session - the anchors were relatable and very helpful in finding what matters to me most in my roles current and future. I've spend time before on the 'personal brand' idea so that was very interesting too in enhancing this, and thinking about who the right people were, although there was quite a bit cover here and we didnt have too much time. My only other feedback was that the breakout time could have been a bit longer, but I appreciate the session has to fit and we could have happily gone on all day with this material! Thanks Anne.

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Gordon H, 18 Nov 2021

Thought provoking again. Very enjoyable.

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Joanna S, 18 Nov 2021

Very useful course - helpful for reflection on my own approach to judgement and decision making.

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Samantha F, 18 Nov 2021

Very good, thank you

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Alison K, 18 Nov 2021

I found the course quite thought provoking, because the discussions about decision making were quite high level and generic. This is useful because the theory and suggestions can be applied to any situation, but it takes some time thinking to understand how they can be applied to the specific situation that you are in at any given time when you want to make a decision. It would be great if the course could also include a section on how to respond to others when your judgement and decisions are being challenged.

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Gillian M, 18 Nov 2021

A good course although not a lot of content for 5 hours. The decision making and operating collectively sections were harder to understand the actions and take aways where judgement and character had more to learn from.

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Mirela L, 17 Nov 2021

Loved this course, highly recommended. V insightful around unconscious bias, diversity of thought and creating a thinking space for managers to consider how to enhance inclusive practice within their own teams and organisation. Created a safe space for discussion with peers.

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Paul F, 17 Nov 2021

really interesting course and speaks really positively to the organisation that these are the values it wants to encourage and foster. Really enjoyed the conversations with colleagues in the sessions and PACE pods and found it helpful to discuss sometimes difficult and challenging situations. Very impressed with everyone's openness through these conversations.

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Jane B, 17 Nov 2021

Super course and good interactions and comments with commitment to actions

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