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Hanna W, 10 Nov 2021
I do feel this course somewhat was "teaching us to suck eggs", it could have been delivered in a much shorter session (ie one half day session), and perhaps not appropriate for social care colleagues who think about these things day in day out. Probably better suited to the private sector, not a local authority.
Michael H, 09 Nov 2021
Fantastic course that really got you thinking. I thought I had a good grasp of EDI until I attended these sessions. This will help me in work but as importantly in life too.
Miguel F, 09 Nov 2021
Excellent course, maybe it needs to include some links to relevant articles rather than just recomending books that we may not be have time to read!
john s, 09 Nov 2021
really challenging and thought provoking - some great tips to take into the workplace - thanks
Emma C, 09 Nov 2021
I think the course has been helpful and it has covered areas which I had not thought about previously. This course is quite time-consuming so if the course could be delivered in a shorter timeframe that would be useful. I also think a similar course should be made Council wide. It has been really helpful to learn and share ideas with other colleagues.
Lucy P, 09 Nov 2021
A good balance of information and discussion with a helpful crib sheet for capturing actions throughout the programme. Some really interesting discussions which provided inspiration on how to implement some of this thinking in our team development.
P M, 09 Nov 2021
The course was interesting but at times I struggled with how we would integrate it into our work, largely because at times it felt a little too like 'here's another course', delivering something that I feel should take the form of natural conversations with people you work side by side with every day.
Kim S, 09 Nov 2021
Good but 3 hours too long in one go and month gaps felt too long as well Plenty to consider and an opportunity to discuss with peers which is always good
Martha M, 08 Nov 2021
Really interesting - allows you to understand your environment beyond your Service and question how you could be perceived and how you can change with the wider community.
Princess M, 08 Nov 2021
Quite a good and informative course, very thought provoking