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ACI Learning Reviews

Levi W, 14 Jan 2023

Need better mics, built in laptop mics are NOT good enough.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Beau J, 14 Jan 2023

I feel like I've said what I need to say, make the verbiage more simple. it doesn't need to be so wordy

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Randy G, 14 Jan 2023


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[ Inappropriate review ]

Teresa J, 14 Jan 2023

I will have to go back on still work on my labs there was no time to do labs in class and found it too difficult to do on my own.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Eric L, 14 Jan 2023

i feel as though the teacher did not discuss a lot of the questions that were on the final.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Robert H, 14 Jan 2023

Labs were difficult to use. It's a lot of new information, so it may be best to find more video and other visual aids to engage students.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Cameron U, 14 Jan 2023

Overall, I feel like the course isn't necessary. At this beginning stage, it doesn't seem relevant to an IT career when it is stated several times throughout the 40 hours that ITIL is a business practice. Almost all of the content is fairly common sense, the level of difficulty is introduced by the specific terminologies and definitions. I can see and understand the different practices and terms in my current career, but I don't feel like I learned much of anything other than that a certain practice I have been doing actually has a word to go with it.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Michael G, 14 Jan 2023

A whole lot of Information at once had to take time off work for self-study

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Adrian W, 13 Jan 2023

Happy with the course and the instructor.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Anthony D, 13 Jan 2023

Overall, I really enjoyed the course. I am looking forward to my next course with Mr. Calloway. He is an outstanding instructor and I personally enjoy how he integrates his real-life experiences with the content. He makes the material far more interesting and I feel when the instructor maintains the students interest it make the material far easier to recall and retain. I would strongly recommend ACI Learning with Mr. Calloway. He is an amazing instructor in my opinion.

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[ Inappropriate review ]