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Bond Solon Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 1012 reviews

Muralidhar B, 16 Apr 2024

I wish I had done this at the start of my career instead of the end:-)

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Claire T, 16 Apr 2024

Great thanks so much

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Sanil A, 16 Apr 2024

Thank you Richard Stone. Very much appreciate your knowledge and expertise in the field. A lot to think about.

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Amanda R, 16 Apr 2024

Good course - thank you

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Poonam M, 03 Apr 2024

Enjoyed the course and presenter was great.

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Greg K, 07 Mar 2024

Great course, definietly beneficial, perhaps worth adding it to the OIC training as a mandatory module.

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Danny M, 07 Mar 2024

Very informative course and I feel more confident using basic digital investigation skills myself and also knowing what I can task Open Source Investigators to do for my cases in order to develop the cases further from a digital point of view.

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Tommy L, 07 Mar 2024

Interesting course with useful practices to take into day to day work, and solid background knowledge imparted even where it does not directly link to my role. Trainer took feedback during the course of what content was useful to trainees, provided example material which was well suited to enable understanding of course topics.

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Robyn S, 07 Mar 2024

The training was delivered well and it was interesting to learn all of the things that can be done without a DSA, upskilling or logging into systems. Learning how to use open source to help house suspects was really useful as this is something that must be done on every case and we could apply this in particular to our cases. In the role that we do in RIS we may not be able to apply much of this learning.

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Lowri D, 27 Feb 2024

Realy good course, glad I attended.

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