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Bond Solon Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 4638 reviews

THIS A, 13 Mar 2025

This was the least useful training I have had on FtP in a decade. It was introductory, which is fine, but these were the issues: Presenter just presented verbally in a quite boring tone, with almost no slides and when they eventually appeared late in Day 1 they were run over too quickly . He often ignored questions and the chat function- which is often a challenge with so many people but it was not as inclusive as it could have been.Information content was often very general and strayed into examples from other jurisdictions-or his own opinion-(example saying hearsay is not allowed yes it us, and serious sexual cases requires go straight to straight to removal- incorrect is SCW said work through each scanction in turn). Several times SCW had to intervene and correct factual inaccuracies about process-this suggests the presenter has not bothered to look at SCW procedures. There were no Case studies. He could have shown us relevant determinations and asked us to critique them.There were no break out sessions so we didn't get talk to each other and share our experiences and expectations. That said ,the course covered the basics OK.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Yvonne B, 10 Feb 2025

Please can you make an editable version of the Model reports available (in my case the Criminal version) Please can I have links to the documents that Geraint talked us through? (Judiciary UK and Justice UK). I was sent the course material the day before which I read through. Geraint then proceeded to read it to us. There was much mention of courtroom procedures rather than report writing. The introductions were long and tedious as was spending time asking what questions we would like answered by the end of the day, it would be better to mop these up at the end of the day by asking what hadn't been covered.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Thomas H, 04 Feb 2025

Eye opening, intersting

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Thomas H, 24 Jan 2025

I have covered a lot of this content in other courses. It felt tedious to have two days given this level of knowledge. It was a requirement of the certificate so I perservered but I don't feel I learnt anything that I did not already know.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Aimee H, 17 Jan 2025

Not Neuro diverse friendly. Very Knowlegdable presenter, however difficult to relate to challenges at a strategic position. Less time on law and policy and more application to secenarios would have been helpful. I didnt get what I needed from this course unfortualtely, and as an educator I would review the mechaism of delivery to make it more engageing and collabourative

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Khaled C, 08 Jan 2025

A very good refresher for experienced officers and pitched at right level for new officers and those not familiar.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Scott Y, 14 Nov 2024

Unfortunately whilst having high expectations I felt that the course did not give sufficient examples of best practice.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Christopher M, 07 Nov 2024

Much of the material in the initial three day workbook is already well known to most HMRC financial investigators as it is covered in detail in the R&C training course. This part of the course could be shortened. For example, the review of what information can be found from bank statements, court layouts and the basic elements of POCA legislation. It may be helpful to amend this part of the training to focus on areas where recent case law is influencing confiscation cases. If the legislation needs to be rehearsed it would be helpful to vary the presentation to include more interactive sessions or scenario based work. The material on criminal procedure rules was very useful and should continue to be included. Running the first part of the course on Teams does not create a natural interactive environment and this part of the training would benefit from being hosted in a classroom setting. It feels like the course should become the next step after the R&C training has been completed. Each student could refine the s.16 they draft in this training and could be used for the cross examination. From memory, the case from the R&C training covers most of the areas that we are likely to be tested on in cross examination and could likely be modified to cover any other areas required.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Rebecca H, 06 Nov 2024

Its important to think about the things that have been discussed - emotional intelligence, resilience, coaching styles etc and there will be aspects that I can relate to practice for sure, but I don't feel that I have 'learnt' alot or learnt how to actually deliver safeguarding supervision. I liked the use of breakout rooms and I feel that it really promoted good discussion and learning from others but I feel like the study day lacked the knowledge basis around how to actually deliver safeguarding supervision, it was more about reflection on myself as a person and leader and how I can support conversations in general. I wanted to know more about how to approach safeguarding supervision and tools that I can use when supervising staff.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Stu S, 05 Nov 2024

It is a fairly dry subject and we essentially just read through the PDF. Difficult as only three people on the course so there was very little interaction. Huge amount of silence at times, quite hard to stay focused.

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[ Inappropriate review ]