Gustavo B, 26 Feb 2022
n/aResponse : Hello Gustavo, Could please give me some insight as to why you gave a rating of 1? This is assist in us creating better learning environments for the future.
Antoine W, 15 Jan 2022
I'm very disappointed in the way the material was presented by the instructor.Response : Thank you for your comment. Antoine. We will consider our feedback when address the learning needs of our students.
James M, 14 Jan 2022
How can ACI Learning have such amazing instructors such as Chris Ward, and also employ someone like Rodderic Fedd?
Daniel G, 10 Dec 2021
I am so disappointed that my time was wasted in this class. I will have to re-sit this class and hope to have a teacher that is not a powerpoint narrator.
Donald A, 10 Dec 2021
I think I've exhausted myself on this class. It sucks that as a Post 9/11 (Chapter 33) student, I have wasted 2 weeks. I unfortunately live in El Paso, TX and have been taking this class remote and have no means to re-sit this class in person as I am nowhere in the Irving, TX vicinity or any other ACI facility.
Alejandro D, 08 Dec 2021
The course could be a valuable asset with a different instructor. Mr. Jay C. may have the certifications, but he is not a good instructor. He likes to push lies, such as running attendance 3+ times per class, supposedly because ACI told him to do so. Besides, after a topic, he pushes students to agree with him. He is difficult to understand, does not present examples, and only reads the presentations. So far, this is the one course that I will have to take again to understand fully.
Juan L, 16 Oct 2021
I would not take this course again. Knowledgeable people do not always make good or even decent teachers!
mario m, 15 Oct 2021
terrible all around I can't say enough of how bad it was