Edward J, 15 Oct 2022
Instead of using IT terminology to teach IT. Use real world, ever day words. For instance, explaining what a router and switch is. A router is the apartment complex and each port on that router is a plot of land. A switch is each individual building and the ports on the switch are individual units.
Joshua L, 12 Oct 2022
This program is only to pass the required tests within the program. It does NOT properly prepare you for the actual certifications. Like all of the other classes in this program it does not prepare you for the actual certifications only the tests within the program.
Colin L, 07 Oct 2022
I am frankly scared and anxious for any real world work in this field. I feel like I just got a crash course in CISCO and only have more of a headache than I ever thought imaginable. I have no confidence in my ability to take and pass the real CCNA certification exam. I don't understand the vernacular. This course was like trying to take someone who's spoken English their whole life and try to teach them Spanish within a 2 week time period. Many students did not feel comfortable asking questions to the instructor - we felt it wasn't very approachable. I personally felt I was just slowing down the class and was the only person who didn't "get it" meanwhile several students reached out to me individually to mention they felt the same way. I think ACI learning needs to rethink this course. I am honestly disappointed and scared for my future. I have no clue what any of this means, why it's important, and how I will benefit from knowing any of this. Half the class was pointless labs, I feel. Just following instructions on a lab, sure I get "hands on" but it's not real. It doesn't make any sense. I feel bad for not understanding this stuff. Am I stupid? Or is there anything the instructor or ACI learning could have done differently or better? I imagine the truth is some combination of the two or it's somewhere in the middle as it always is.
Joshua L, 01 Oct 2022
I would recommend anyone who has done or is even new to IT to stay away from this program. This program is a money scam and it does not properly prepare you for the actual certifications. I was brand new to IT and even going through this program I still do not know anything about IT I just know theory with no experience in the job field. I have been taught what I need to learn during this process and have not been taught anything to help me actually be successful in this job field.
tiffany B, 15 Sep 2022
I missed the last day due to being diagnosed with covid. So, i was told to log in on september 15 at 1200pm to take my end of course assessment. so i logged on and waited for the mentor to pop on so that they could proctor my exam and i waited 30mins and he did not log on. So there fore I was unable to take my end of course exam.
Joseph J, 19 Aug 2022
I appreciate the instructor I had and the resume help from career services, but I have nothing but negative feelings towards the rest of this program and ACI as a whole. ACI feels like a company that is taking advantage of VET TEC and other govt. programs to make a quick buck at the expense of veteran's time and effort. I truly feel bad for the people that paid for this program out of pocket because they were the victims of highway robbery. ACI oversold and under-delivered and I will not be suggesting this program or school to anyone.
kaytlyn m, 06 Aug 2022
kris was fine but the material was hard even for a 4 year security person. I dreaded coming to class because of all of this info.
Mysun G, 30 Jul 2022
i would like a better teacher i don't care if he\she is less knowledgeable as long as i can understand what the want to teach
jeremy w, 24 Jun 2022
I think that 10 weeks is not enough time. The courses should be lengthen.