Sam W, 27 Feb 2025
I felt like during the exercise around determining the 5 targets and the AI approach to whether they were SMART or not would have benefitted a lot from the trainer inputting - on screen via a slide - an example of how one or more of those targets could have been made SMART, rather than an AI approach of what might look "smarter" but still not SMART. Breakout sessions were useful, especially the later ones where we were one-on-one. I would consider reducing the amount of time on this training as well. 3 hours is a long time and feel like it would've benefitted either from being fully separate sessions based on targets and feedback or being a little truncated.
David H, 07 Sep 2024
Learnt alot and made me self reflect
Tracy L, 02 Jul 2024
I was a bit taken back how a hidden disability chronic fatigue syndrome was used as an example of a sickness record in a detrimental way. Hidden disabilities are very real and the person genuinely experiences symptoms. I feel this shouldn’t be used in a course like this. Also wasn’t comfortable with role play but felt you were pressured into taking part
Anna , 02 May 2024
It was a basic training with not in depth knowledge, which was a shame, but I still found some useful tips for trainers
Georgie B, 02 May 2024
Think we could have done some psychometric profiling beforehand to really dive into our individual management style. E.g. SDI
Teymour M, 02 May 2024
Would be useful to run some internal follow up sessions.
vineet j, 06 Nov 2023
unfortunately nothing new to learn