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Maguire Training Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 3705 reviews

Loredana V, 30 Sep 2024

The trainer was very interactive, which I thought was positive. However I personally did not find the training useful. Particularly there was no structure or information related to the new Portfolio of Evidence and only a couple of slides during the training. We were showed only You Tube videos. Thank you

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Afzal B, 30 Sep 2024

Adaora A, 12 Aug 2024

Thank you for the experience. It could have been more impactful, but good all the same.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Joshua L, 18 May 2023

The session was enjoyable. There was too much time spent on participants opinions rather than practising application of methods taught by the trainer.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Gemma B, 21 Mar 2023

The trainer outlined that there were 4 different components which made up emotional intelligence. We spent the first 2 hours introducing ourselves, the subject and setting the scene. We did not get into any content for quite some time, and then spent the next 5 hours exploring how to identify and manage our own emotions. I feel like this may be useful for someone who has had feedback about anger issues, but my primary objective was to learn more about emotional intelligence to be able to improve working relationships and performance. Too much time was spent on the first two components which make up emotional intelligence, with only 20-30 minutes looking at 1 model for identifying 4 different people styles, with the advice on how to apply emotional intelligence to improve relationships to "mirror others people style within challenging conversations". By contrast, we learnt 6 techniques for managing our own emotions, some of which would have been very challenging to apply in an real time conversation with a colleague. There was not enough weighting given to content that would have been most useful in a professional environment. Perhaps the trainer could ask for participants to share what they want to get out of the session in advance, and efforts made to adapt the content to meet the learning objectives of participants?

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sucheta C, 01 Dec 2022

Very useful and motivating session today. Thank you

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Kirsten S, 12 May 2022

I found the course pretty poorly delivered. The trainer did not engage with the attendees through polls etc and did not seem enthusiastic about the subject. The most distracting aspect of the course was that the trainer was using the build in mic on his equipment and the sound quality was very poor. I found this so distracting I had to leave at about the 3/4 point.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Jayshri P, 03 Feb 2022

Claudia B, 08 Dec 2020

I didn't find it a particularly insightful course. Sorry not to be more positive, but I would rather have worked in clinic with patients. It worked well because our team is a close team.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Nicola C, 08 Dec 2020

I did not feel that this course had been adapted for a remote training - I think it would have been better in a room with each other.

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[ Inappropriate review ]