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ACI Learning Reviews
Noel D, 06 Jun 2021
I don’t think two weeks is enough to learn all the material on Comptia A+ however Troy accommodated for the time and focused only on the important aspects
Kim W, 06 Jun 2021
Semi-fast paced, very effective for autodidactic learners, self-paced learners, recertifying professionals, and highly motivated students.
jason f, 06 Jun 2021
3 weeks would be better for me is my only opinion
David G, 06 Jun 2021
This was a great intorductory course to the beginning of my IT certification journey. I feel well prepared and have gained invaluable skills of applying knowledge that I can utilize in my future employment in IT.
Dashawn W, 06 Jun 2021
Everything has been great since day one
Christopher B, 06 Jun 2021
Overall I think the class was great but it was a ton of information to digest over a very short amount of time. For those of us that have no experience with IT or have a very limited knowledge of computers it was difficult and frustrating at times. Overall though the material and instructors were able to help me adapt and overcome the ACE test.
Jose M, 06 Jun 2021
The labs and assignments were very time-consuming. After day 3, I simply couldn't keep up with my assignments according to the Syllabus, however, I am a full-time employee.
Douglas H, 06 Jun 2021
The only thing I might recommend would be doing a nightly zoom quiz (including all the students) on the materials covered that day. This was done only one night during the course and I think it was very beneficial for the students. I would recommend doing this for the last 15 minutes of class each night as it makes sure information was retained each night. I was very happy with Mr. Hamric as the instructor, he was very candid, knowledgeable, engaging, and ALWAYS available to support.