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ACI Learning Reviews
Jaiwan W, 20 Aug 2021
Great Course.Great instructor, very knowledgeable.
Christopher W, 20 Aug 2021
Personally had trouble focusing but had nothing to do with the class. The class was straight forward.
Brandon H, 20 Aug 2021
The class is well organized and the flow of material is thought out. The instructor John is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. My only issue is not with the content and material itself but how it is presented. On multiple questions throughout the course there are multiple answers that CAN be correct however there is one answer that is the MOST correct. If there are new students to the IT realm, or students who have a harder time grasping the material, having multiple answers that can be correct versus an answer that is correct out of the choices can be confusing and can be detrimental to the learning process. I know it has made my second guess my knowledge and questions. Overall the course is a great introduction to IT and the instructor helps moderate that new information easily, you just have to keep up and ask questions.
Agustin R, 20 Aug 2021
Like the previous courses, the instructor was clear and concise. Appeared to be interested in what he was teaching.
"CHING" O, 20 Aug 2021
The content I would have liked to have more practical/hands on if possible over all instructor was knowledgeable entertained to engage student. Knowing it can be a dry certification to teach and that the 601 is much broader then then past Comptia Exams I understand, over all a great course.
Matt C, 20 Aug 2021
Learning all of this information is already a lot. There was some extra info which is nice as a 'deep dive' but I think is unnecessary for the majority of students who are already struggling with some of the more basic concepts. For example, on the last day of this course there was info on how to calculate the metric of each hop count and what a NSSA area is and how that is important. These seemed extremely advanced topics for a more advanced class such as CCNP, but I would have rather spent more time on more relevant information. The instructor did a good job of walking us through some of the more dense information, which needs to be explained in very simple terms so students can recall it on the exam. I would like to see more explanations of the outputs of the commands broken down, as in the beginning cisco commands can spit out a lot of information and students could be confused if the information they were looking for was not there because they ran the wrong command or from the wrong mode. A quick tour of the command line interface, especially in the NetSim application on day 1 would go a long way.
Francisco F, 20 Aug 2021
The instructor did the best he could given the time and material given. The syllabus homework did not match up with the material covered for the day which added confusion and inefficient time for studying. The time allowed for covering the material was very limited. The course should have been longer to allow more time for absorption and proper assimilation of the material. Also, the videos in the course material were different than the labs given which added a level of discontinuity that made understanding the processes more inefficient and harder to comprehend. The material should
Ashley P, 20 Aug 2021
It was an overload of information and I did not really understand any of it. I felt very overwhelmed during this entire course.
Angel I, 20 Aug 2021
he is cool probably better in person, he is good but its hard to keep up when he talks a lot to about his life which is cool but only that we are an accelerated course, so it is a lot.but he is a very cool guy!