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Maguire Training Reviews

Sarah W, 25 May 2021

This is a really helpful session. Claire is a very professional, friendly, and engaging trainer.

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Kezia C, 25 May 2021

I am very happy that our business chooses to have this training for all staff members

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Yi L, 25 May 2021

Learned quite a lot from the knowledge provided and everyone's experience.

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Rosie L, 25 May 2021

Great training, Claire was very engaging and energetic. Kept the training moving forward whilst listening to everyone's concerns / questions. Super interesting to have the videos, found them very emotive! Given me a lot to think about and be aware of in day to day.

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Meilai L, 25 May 2021

The course is informative and not too long . Good interaction with questions and answers with Claire

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Agnes H, 25 May 2021

Thank you, Claire. As I said in the call the training was very good and informative. I feel the whole organization could benefit from it and hopefully some practices will change. Just one technical suggestion. The invite was sent for 2 hours only and then an email was sent less than 24h before the training informing us that we're expected to join early and stay longer for feedback. If the invite covered the duration of the whole course (including introduction and feedback), I feel it would allow people to plan their day better and also could avoid issues with getting other calls/meeting request up till right before or right after the meeting. In the current situation (working remotely) many of us have much more calls/online meetings, and we can see each others' availability within the organization, so having an up-to-date / accurate calendar can be important.

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Nehal M, 25 May 2021

Great course - very interactive - everyone's voice and ideas were appreciated

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Nitin C, 25 May 2021

The content and delivery of this course was brilliant and very relevant. Break-up rooms and group discussions were really reflective and apt. Thank you.

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Reagon R, 25 May 2021

Quite engaging course that tackles topics close to all of our hearts. Laura had quite a soft soothing voice.

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Katie O, 19 May 2021

I thought the course was well delivered and content was interesting

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