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Maguire Training Reviews
Gill B, 06 Sep 2022
Very enlightening and positive -gives good reason for self-reflection and understanding of how to change to change others - thank you
Jenny B, 06 Sep 2022
Steve is an absolutely fantastic tutor and you can tell he has so much experience in what he is teaching. I really appreciated how he listened to all feedback given and linked this back to the course so we can learn using our own examples and or situations. He creates a friendly environment where even if you are a shy individual he will have you participating in the group activities - this is based on personal experience as usually I do not like speaking up in front of others I do not know. I really enjoyed the quizzes and activities he used to engage us in the course material as (he mentioned) we do not all use the same learning style so he incorporates all 4 types into his course to ensure everyone is included and learning. Him allowing us to have quick 10 minute breaks as well keeps us engaged and does not tire us so we can fully engage with the course so I definitely think he should keep doing this. The only thing I would appreciate more, and this is due to how I personally remember things, is more real life examples when he is making a point as I remember situations and how they could have been resolved better so when I am faced with something similar I refer back to that situation to understand how I should deal with my own. Overall a 10/10 person and an extremely self-reflective course. Thank you to Steve & Maguire Training :)
Junita R, 26 Aug 2022
Well-prepared, atten-grabbing presentation. Better understanding on the Equality Act 2010. Thank you
Andrew L, 26 Aug 2022
Very relaxed and understanding We all understood the implications that could occur Many Thanks
Wendy D, 25 Aug 2022
Very interesting, much better than I was expecting. We all learnt a lot