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ACI Learning Reviews
Melanie B, 12 Feb 2021
I personally needed more time but I understand that I am in an advanced learning class ito obtain my certifications. :-)
Seth k, 12 Feb 2021
have the labs have clearer instructions when doing them
Hunter W, 12 Feb 2021
The app was essential for myself to learn the information. It allowed me to practice continually and correct my weaker areas of understanding.
David M, 12 Feb 2021
Good course with basic stated value followed through with. Real gem is the Instructor, as Pat has a lot of real world experiences. The value that brings to a basic class to someone "starting" out in IT is phenomenal. This helps with realistic outcomes of going in certain directions and what would be needed in those instances.
Mason J, 12 Feb 2021
This seems like a refresher course for people who have already taken the class, two weeks is not enough time to cover all of the material. For the price of this class, I do not think we should have to teach ourselves on the weekend. Also, the course material is a little outdated.
Husam M, 12 Feb 2021
I would like to re-sit this class subject.
Gerwin H, 11 Feb 2021
I've said it once and I will say it again especially for this course. Two weeks is not enough time to learn this material.
Jeri M, 10 Feb 2021
Thanks for another great course. I might need to take this a second time to absorb everything covered even better.
Pepper W, 10 Feb 2021
Great course. The login information and process was not easy - too many steps, passwords, keys.