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ACI Learning Reviews
Luther A, 28 May 2021
For me I just need more time to grasp all the information that is given to us
Anson B, 28 May 2021
this is my first class wit ACI so i am not familiar with the how anything works. there was a lot to learn. i get the concept of the topic but applying the terminology was the hard part. so many definitions to remember and to what context to remember them to. but i understand why this is the first class too. now i know a lot of those definitions and everyone can build on them going forward. My note taking could use some help but i believe all the content was available.
Arthur G, 28 May 2021
Keeps me wanting to learn more...
Leslie S, 28 May 2021
The course provides a wide spectrum of information within the timeline provided. Now it up us the students to study for the certification while still fresh.
Efrain-Abran G, 28 May 2021
Learned a lot in the time provided.
JD H, 28 May 2021
The only constructive criticism I have is I found the instructor (german man) on the youtube hard to follow. Something about is English I just couldn't follow.
Marcus G, 28 May 2021
I think this course should have a little more time added to it and a week of recap in between each course to gain the certifications should be added to separate each subject in order to fully grasp each section before moving on. This would allow the students to ask questions on the actual items they do not understand because the current way they are getting overwhelmed and glazed over as each weeks comes and goes. In the beginning please let the students know that they can sit in on future courses when they can as well as providing a more schedule to select from not just the ones that needs to be filled. Unfortunately, students were not aware of the mid afternoon and night courses that would fit into their schedule better. I would ask that you keep the same instructor throughout the program because every instructor teaches differently and with the content already hard to understand different instructors add another layer of difficulty to understand the material by the way they teach it. If I did not have some experience in this area I would have been completely lost in it.
Anthony L, 28 May 2021
Patrick was awesome. Alexis was bad.
Bruce T, 27 May 2021
The questions on the survey after each session were inconsistant. The instructor had to make alot of note to clarify the questions and answers. This was the only issue with the course that could be improved.