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ACI Learning Reviews

roberto c, 03 Sep 2021

Dr. Mack has an insane level of knowledge, however he is prone to getting excited and going a bit off topic. as for the content i understand that variety is the spice of life but some people in my class felt overwhelmed having so many sources of information thrown at them, maybe narrowing it down or making sure that they understand that they dont need to memorize every singe little piece of info presented. i dunno, pretty good course overall.

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Casey S, 03 Sep 2021


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Joe K, 03 Sep 2021

Very interesting, a lot of information distributed over a timely period. That allowed for great study time and comprehension.

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chris c, 03 Sep 2021

its a lot to cover in 2 weeks....

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Richard B, 03 Sep 2021

Not for beginners, but I understand that it is just to get my feet wet in the IT world. This course is very face paced. The instructor was very knowledgeable and fun.

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NORA B, 03 Sep 2021

Network+ covers a mountain of information. I believe I will need about 3-weeks of intensive study before taking the certification exam since I still work full-times, and not in the IT field. I believe the instructor and the material provided set a good foundation towards my future success.

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Chatham S, 03 Sep 2021

The practice labs were always kicking me out and not working properly all the way through.

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Tyler R, 03 Sep 2021

Mr Bennett did a fine job conveying the information in the class in as easy as possible. The absolute breadth of information that is covered in this class is staggering. I am sure this is a common response and im not sure what an be done about it. However it is certainly not for the casual student.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

James T, 03 Sep 2021

I have no gripes about the course content itself. ACI has curated a well organized, defined, and digestible class environment. It would have been such an amazing experience if it weren't for the instructor. Stephen has no capability to teach the A+ 1001 course. If death by power point were manifested into a singular human being it would be Stephen. It is 3+ hours of him reading off the power point slides in a droning monotone voice that makes my brain want to explode. If you try to ask him a question he'll go back to whichever power point you asked about and will read it off of the slide. I personally don't feel particularly terrible about it, I had to study on my own before and after class. Every. Single. Day. Just to keep up. It's doable with him as a teacher, the material is there and you can study yourself. Just don't count on him to do anything for you. No I don't feel that my comments are too harsh. My classmates are either paying out of pocket or utilizing their G.I. Bills to pay for this coursework. It's ridiculous that I'm even typing this out because we PAID for instruction. If I wanted to be taught the same exact way when I was in the Navy I would've stayed in. One more thing, if you're going to have someone teach the fundamentals of IT in A+ classes, maybe you shouldn't have the new hire with no prior teaching instruction lead the class. Any one of my classmates could've read off the slides and done a better job than him attempting to teach. Overall the course content and materials were amazing, the instructor, not so much.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Efren A, 03 Sep 2021

too short for the amount of material and labs. the labs were very difficult and buggy. had to skip several or leave several unfinished because the didnt work well enough to finish unfortunately

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