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ACI Learning Reviews

Miguel C, 18 Jun 2022

ITIL 4 I was able to highlight slides instead of writing so I could keep up but not on this course. Was told they aren't available

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timothy m, 18 Jun 2022

good course, but need more to be ready for the network + exam. i would like more practice tests. the labs take too long because they are very focused on one aspect of the course. i would like a more general overview of each course instead. also, there were many times where my ADHD switched on and i missed parts of what my instructor was explaining. it would be very helpful to upload the recordings to the portal if at all possible so we can review them later.

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Jesus M, 18 Jun 2022

Great experience and look forward to taking the Network+ certification.

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David B, 18 Jun 2022

The course structure was done very well. It allowed me to try and keep up and work on catching up when I felt like I was falling behind, thanks to the instructor. My only wish is that I could have had the ability to somehow get together with other students that were understanding the course work better so that I could get their assistance with some of the concepts that I was struggling to grasp.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

James S, 18 Jun 2022

Great course, very time constrained, I have some experience and would say this is not necessarily a beginner course unless you are able to commit some time prior to reading up on some of the basics. I think this course would be VERY difficult without some sort of relative base knowledge beyond what an average user has. The course would be good for beginners if it was more then 40 hours total. I believe an extra 2-3 days or adding another week would make this a true beginner course or just specifying some reading materials to read prior to the class, sort of like summer reading back in elementary school.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Bryce K, 18 Jun 2022

Give the people who are paying thousands of dollars for this, the slides to be able to take notes on. "it's proprietary" is a cop out when you are literally ripping off a proprietary test, to teach. Don't send Career Services to speak to a class on a thursday when they are taking a final on friday... what a colossal waste of time and effort, to stop test prep. mondays and tuesdays should be the only days for career services. Give us the actual resources to study.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Isaiah T, 18 Jun 2022

ITIL is based on theory and therefore i didn't have too much interest in theory. However thanks to the instructor led learning and his teaching method he made it easier for me to soak up the information needed to pass my test rather than focus on things that aren't as important in the learning material. All the learning material is important however it is like a fire hose of info and with this class thanks to the instructor I was able to soak up the content.

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Najee c, 18 Jun 2022

Please update slides, so the material is easily digestable.

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Terry B, 17 Jun 2022

There's always room for improvement

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Matthew B, 17 Jun 2022


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