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ACI Learning Reviews
Matthew J, 24 Feb 2023
Sec+ is a tough course for a beginner in the field of IT do to the sheer quantity of new information, however, having an instructor like Mr. Allen has made it much more manageable and enjoyable.
monique e, 24 Feb 2023
some of the material my instructor covered did not have any labs to study
Mandas J, 24 Feb 2023
overall the instructor is great and I've learned everything needed to pass the final exam
Christopher G, 24 Feb 2023
The Labs I tried kept having problems throughout the courses that had them. I got several errors or crashes, so I did not bother to try to do them. (For Contest: I have one gig fiber directly into the house and still had issues. My service has been stable since I have had it for over a year, and I do not have problems with any other services)
Jose g, 24 Feb 2023
the course is great and the teacher is great the only thing that messes with all of learning is the slides and information with in them! FIX IT!!!!
Tommie A, 24 Feb 2023
Class needs more time and slides needs to be updated. Felt classes are being ran through since they are only 2 weeks long
Patrick C, 23 Feb 2023
Great course - interesting, thought provoking and skills/topics that can be applied immediately to help improve quality of audit results and our audit process.
Lafabien H, 21 Feb 2023
Great course, Great instructor. This will definitely be beneficial for me as I grow as an iT professional.
Angel L, 21 Feb 2023
I enjoyed Robin and the class. He’s an amazing instructor. It’s because of him that I passed my classes. Thank you.
Tanya B, 18 Feb 2023
Had a great time learning Sec+, Joshuah B. did a great job instructing and helping us to remember the information