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Happy Reviews
Michael H, 08 Sep 2020
Helped to understand some of the things that I have learnt by experience over years. Added some clear guidance to do's and don'ts
Sarah T, 08 Sep 2020
Paul facilitated well especially considering not everyone had the full Visio software. He was flexible and responded to all our questions.
diane s, 08 Sep 2020
Despite us having a different version this did not phase Paul - he remained calm throughout the training. We could understand the different versions whilst still learning and shaping the training for our needs. I feel equipped to implement the training into practice from what I have learned from the training today. Very welcoming and engaging.
Jordan E, 08 Sep 2020
It was a very insightful session on Visio and we also learnt tips and tricks in Microsoft Office as a whole. Paul made sure everyone learnt the step before moving on and involved us in the session by sharing screens and talking us through - if we were in any difficulty. Paul welcomed questions and gave detailed explanations.
Jane H, 07 Sep 2020
Well paced and fantastic learning experience Professionally facilitated and such fun
Karen W, 07 Sep 2020
Engaging and informative. A longer programme over a few weeks would have been helpful with an opportunity to practice techniques in between - a bit like train the trainer
Sophie B, 07 Sep 2020
The course was fast paced which worked well and kept people engaged all day. The practical applications of the LS was really helpful to see how it could work in action.
cathryn t, 07 Sep 2020
excellent to do as a whole team. Being together and engaging with each other really important. builds confidence to deliver a better experience of online engagaement
Holly W, 07 Sep 2020
Long day and quick pace covered a lot of new techniques - but Henry is very enthusiastic and keeps everyone on their toes. Great facilitator!