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Happy Reviews
Zahid M, 11 Sep 2020
Cathy is amazing and I can honestly say (as CEO) this course has had a huge impact on our business even from a cold ROI perspective. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Paul G, 11 Sep 2020
Very thought provoking and insightful to get everyones perspective. People seem much more open in this forum than in our own internal forums, but I suspect that is because there is direct structure and purpose to the questions being raised - rather than them thinking its a non-actionable discussion!!!
Dan G, 11 Sep 2020
Overall really useful & good use of zoom
Marina R, 11 Sep 2020
Excellent course and really useful tips and resources - well recommended
Lesley C, 11 Sep 2020
Amazing what you can cover in 15 minutes and go away and put into practice
Catherine H, 11 Sep 2020
Enjoyed the way the course was a bookend to each working day, immediate practice really suits my learning preference.
Caitlin B, 11 Sep 2020
Thank you very much. This course was extremely well timed as had been feeling exhausted after six months of unprecedented workload during pandemic. Feel much more in control and on top of things, including from saying no and knowing to not fill my diary up!
Ann-Marie K, 11 Sep 2020
Surprised by how much I got to know about other members of the group in such a short space of time. Really energised each morning. Very pacey! Wonderful. Lots to reflect on.
Rachel G, 11 Sep 2020
Brilliant! excellent structure of 15 mins book ending the day so that you can try out the learning and come back to reflect on it. Good use of breakout rooms Excellent tools Loved it!
amanda w, 11 Sep 2020
The first 2 were a little quick. If you ask us a question, leave us time to answer before moving onto the next interaction exercise. People were asking for more time/time to engage. It settled in the 3,4,5 sessions. Thank you Henry. I love your energy and commitment to your work. I will recommend Happy, and in fact did so re the zoom session.