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Happy Reviews

Efua A, 21 Sep 2020

Really good training. The facilitator was very good at explaining things and going over

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sophie B, 18 Sep 2020

Really enjoyed todays session. Learnt a lot both about what I am doing well and where I can improve.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Kuldip P, 18 Sep 2020

it was very interactive and a very good pace. I felt comfortable asking if I didn't understand or if i was unsure

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Mati S, 18 Sep 2020

Unfortunately, due to sound issues with the microphone I was unable to hear. Also had difficulty accessing the training Microsoft Teams. However, the training was very good and allowed me to use the chat function and presented and explained very well so was able to follow that way.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Kasia M, 17 Sep 2020

well organised with breaks and lunch time no connection problems many different techniques were used lots of trainings

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Patricia K, 17 Sep 2020

I have enjoyed the course. It helps me understand what skills I have as a manager and what skills I need. It also enables me yo understand different type of management. How to delegate a task

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sharon H, 17 Sep 2020

quite intense learning, frustrating when laptop froze

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Emma C, 17 Sep 2020

Really good session and about the right amount of time. I did get lost half way through but it was my first time doing this type of work and the trainer got me back on track. Might have been useful to ask everyone their level of use at the start to put us at ease.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Andy S, 17 Sep 2020

First training session like this over zoom, Paul was amazing and did a great job

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Megan H, 17 Sep 2020

I had hoped for more tricks for teams live video meetings and how to use that But I didnt know this even existed so I can complain as maybe this will be useful. You dont know what you dont know. Great facilitator, so patient. I bet you didnt expect to start at such a low level. We were never taught any of this stuff and have been winging it for years. Thank you. Please let us know the ext session. We will look forward to it.

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[ Inappropriate review ]