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Happy Reviews
Joanna J, 01 Mar 2021
Great session - pace was fast but manageable, really useful techniques, so much easier to learn by using them in real life sessions
Shelley L, 01 Mar 2021
Henry was fab! Bought great energy to the course and felt like friends straight away! and we learnt so much !
Allan C, 01 Mar 2021
Probably as a result of not really having a problem to solve, it sometimes felt strained. Not in a bad way but in the sense there were silences as some had said all they could. If I was facilitating a breakout within my own team I might have recognised those who need bringing out of their shell.
Emma H, 26 Feb 2021
Raally useful, a few new things to try
Lorraine P, 26 Feb 2021
Enjoyable training course. Easier if I had two monitors, rather than working from a small laptop.
margaret f, 26 Feb 2021
I really enjoyed today and the new things and sections that i've learnt today. It was very useful and i was bale to ask ask other questions not included in the training.
Fatuma B, 26 Feb 2021
Very useful and helpful training
carena w, 26 Feb 2021
really good training learn something new every time