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Happy Reviews
Jit M, 03 Mar 2021
Very well laid out course and a good refresher
Kerrie S, 03 Mar 2021
I was down to observe the training however I did participate and from a personal point of view it has really helped me in terms of thinking about how I can advised managers on my role as well as how I may need to adapt when having my own conversations.
alan d, 03 Mar 2021
very good session that focused the setting of discussions
Stephen M, 03 Mar 2021
A very interesting course delivered in a professional, friendly manner. Didn't realise half the functions that could be utilised on Teams!
Kevin C, 03 Mar 2021
Some very helpful insights in remote working, with tools that could prove extremely helpful.
Ian M, 03 Mar 2021
Ian Meekums, Senior HR Adviser, observing. I think use of Jam slide was fantastic. Behaviour Improvement might be better termed around Performance Improvement, accepting behaviour corresponds to performance, however it may be confusing that poor behaviours (rudeness) are disciplinary issues ref our behaviour code. The House often puts in place a performance improvement plan in the informal stage, ideally this could be an element to cover. How or what questions excellent. Transactional analysis - great video Better example for the script?…..meeting x, thought we agreed you be on time , i'm confused…. this example could do more to manage fear/intention, Also, lateness more likely to be conduct than performance, accepting it can straddle both but traditionally a disciplinary matter (cant do vs wont do) Paul Gapper is excellent. Nothing in this feedback is a reflection of him, but perhaps a reflection of what the House has asked to be delivered.
Anne B, 03 Mar 2021
Good content and a lot to follow up on
Lee H, 03 Mar 2021
As with all learning the proof will come down to the application of the learning
John D, 03 Mar 2021
Overall a very interesting course to understand the best approaches to managing poor performance.