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ACI Learning Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 27547 reviews

Jarrett C, 25 Sep 2021

Please God pay that man more, he loves his job too much
Response : Jarrett, thank you for your comment. I will use your comments to ensure instructors are giving the information needed for students to be successful

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John S, 17 Sep 2021

I'm not sure how to make this information "stick". Perhaps with time I will have a better understanding of how ITIL fits into the picture.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Matt H, 15 Sep 2021

The course gets hung up on the numbers and not on the definitions of the COBIT.
Response : Matt. Thank you for your comments regarding the course. We are working to make sure courses are exactly what students need to succeed.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Austen H, 04 Sep 2021

The slides should be able to stand alone by themselves. One should be able to make sense of what they are trying to explain. Then it should also be able explain it well. Many of these slides do not fit these qualifications--which are basic slide show principles.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Francisco C, 03 Sep 2021

The class was way to short for the amount of material needed to be cover - way to rushed and not enough actual learning.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Derreck B, 03 Sep 2021

I have mixed feelings about this course. The power points are laid out to cover everything we need to know for the test. I just feel that you are setting your instructors up for failure. When there is single word bullet point on the slide you NEED to put a simple definition with the word (on the instructor side) so when the instructor reads that word off we get some sort of idea when we see that word on the test. If I wasn't following along in my book to the slide I never would of thought anything of it. I understand we only have so much time in one day to cover all of the material but when we finish over one hour before the end of class I feel as I am being Robbed of my hard earned benefits from War to take this class. Yall need to do better as to help us learn not just throw piles of info at us with no understanding of that info. -Be excellent to each other!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

John R, 03 Sep 2021

Stephen Bennett, although he seemed to be very knowledgeable on the information he was covering, did not seem to be as qualified for teaching the information ACI Leaning has made for me as a student. On several occasions there were students that would be confused about content in the student portal and upon asking, he would loosely discuss with a vague description of how to understand this. going into the certification i do not feel very comfortable because of his teaching style. after attending the day class for ACI i took it upon myself to buy course material from another website to get a better understanding of the material thats going to be on my certification test. on day 2 of the course, i had pointed out to Stephen that i had been following the lesson plan while reading along with the syllabus and he had blown through almost two days of powerpoint slides without even noticing. at the end of the class we would be assigned to do the test out labs, which were amazing in the sense that it would teach me more about fundamentals than i learned while watching powerpoint slides. not once in his lessons did he even begin to explain how to access certain features in a computer or how to navigate into settings. i feel like he may need to sit down and just be retrained on how to teach for ACI as he is representing your education establishment.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Veronica L, 14 Aug 2021

too much content in too little time

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Garrett H, 14 Aug 2021

The course is too fast-pace. At first we all thought the instructor was going too fast, but it turns out we were almost behind. If this course was spread to three weeks each instead of two, it would help out a lot. The instructor, Troy Athmann, was okay, although he definitely seemed too uptight sometimes in a military way. I think he did the best with what he was given, which was too fast of a course.
Response : Thank you for your comment. Our instructors look to provide an enjoyable learning experience.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sara J, 14 Aug 2021

Wish that there was some kind of interaction with the teacher and class. The teacher just talked the whole 4 hours.

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[ Inappropriate review ]