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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Toni F, 20 Oct 2022
good resourceResponse : Toni Thanks for the positive feedback on this video. If you want to follow up on more listening skills advice then there's the 'Listen Up' podcast that you have access to on WATCH & GO too. Thanks, Esther
patrice M, 18 Oct 2022
Unfortunately my English is too limited for fully understand all the content of the course.Response : Patrice, If it helps you can read the 4-Minute Learning Guide and have English subtitles showing. Regards, Esther
Paul A, 10 Oct 2022
BriefResponse : Paul, Thanks for your feedback. Our aim with the podcasts is to introduce a topic in a concise way - delivering a 10-minute introduction to the topic. The Resilience podcast has a part 2 which follows up the learning messages from this initial podcast. Hope that helps and thanks for taking the time to respond with your feedback, it's always helpful for us to understand what our listeners are feeling about the resources on offer. Regards, Esther
kara p, 07 Oct 2022
Feels like a tick box exercise and not training or helpfulResponse : Kara Thanks for your feedback, Our aim in this video was to get people reflecting on the different source of stress, and encourage people to speak up. Our focus in all our videos is to display actors illustrating human behaviours so that it triggers discussion. We keep the majority of videos to between 4 and 5 minutes so that if provides bite-sized learning. Thanks for taking the time to feedback to us, it's useful for us to have a range of feedback, so that we understand whether we have responded to our customers needs. Regards, Esther
Rowland W, 03 Oct 2022
Biggest take home from this is about making sure you are in a position to listen.....Response : Rowland, Thanks for the feedback. We'll be adding some new video releases to your platform in the next week or so. One of the new films is 'Three Ways to be a Better Listener' which follows on from some of the ideas shared in the podcast. Regards, Esther
Tim C, 01 Oct 2022
A straightforward guide in motivating the team to be more creative - an inclusive approach.Response : Tim, Thanks for the feedback. The Inclusive Meetings and Practical Positive Thinking podcasts follow on from this video and pick up the themes of inclusivity, reframing ideas, and promoting a culture of innovation. Regards, Esther
Kiran S, 29 Sep 2022
its a good reminderResponse : Thanks for the feedback Kiran. There's always that assumption that we can multitask but the reality is we really need to concentrate on one thing at a time and remove distractions if possible! Regards, Esther
Brett H, 26 Sep 2022
the course was good and helped with some ideas on how to stay organizedResponse : Brett Thanks for the positive feedback, Before I Forget is one of our most watched videos on the platform. Good to hear it provided you with some ideas. Regards, Esther
MUHAMMAD S, 21 Sep 2022
Moment when practicing true of IFW for whole task
Tim C, 17 Sep 2022
A useful insight to looking at problem solving from a different perspective. Creative - less confrontational (negative) and more likely to strengthen a team and get results.Response : Tim, Thanks for the positive feedback. This podcast is one of our most listened to, frequently hitting the top spot of most listens each month. Good to hear you found it useful. Regards, Esther