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Developing an Eye for Accuracy Reviews

Showing 4 star reviews : View all 375 reviews

Liz F, 19 Oct 2022

I am very open to this sort of training as I really hate making errors and will try anything that might help. I think the hard part will be convincing some people that they need to try different methods after the training to improve accuracy.
Response : Hi Liz - thank you for sharing your feedback! The course is great for people who don't want to make errors, so in the Train-the-Trainer we'll look at some ways you can encourage people to try different methods to work more accurately.

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Adrian H, 15 Oct 2022

Thanks Greg

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Ian R, 12 Oct 2022

Interesting course but a few areas I did like particularly the number span

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James s, 06 Oct 2022

Enjoyable course with some interesting points, one criticism would be the length of the course as my concentration level was lowering towards the third hour.

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Oliver C, 06 Oct 2022

Very interesting course. Can understand why my company makes it a requirement as it highlights flaws in the current practices I use when I work and suggests ideas as ways to combat them

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Oli C, 13 Sep 2022

Thank you Gregg- lovely bloke

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Ryan R, 13 Sep 2022

Very good overall, I think it could be made more engaging with some non written games/ exercises to break up the writing.

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Curtis W, 29 Jun 2022

Good session, helped me see where natural errors occur and how to look for them

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Sarah F, 27 Apr 2022

Helpful and feel will benefit from techniques learnt

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Elysha M, 27 Apr 2022

Valuable training. Saw real results

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