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Proactive Technical Training Reviews

Mark P, 28 Jan 2019


Course speed & practical to theory content was just right.

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Daniel C, 26 Jan 2019


As a repeat customer to PTT, i found the experiance as good as always. The tutor was very good and laid everything out very well, this is my second time i have done this Course at PTT and i had the same tutor for both. The only thing i feel may be beneficial is more for the comfortability of the tutor as both times i took this course with a 3 yr gap he seems to suffer heavily from the air bourn dust in the room and seeing as he does alot of talking it seemed at some points quite painfull for him to talk. As a recomendation for perhaps his confort a MVHR could be considdered.

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Paul C, 24 Jan 2019


Thank you See you again

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Glen M, 24 Jan 2019


Great overview and tutorials. Highly recommended.

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Howard R, 23 Jan 2019


Very good facilities

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Seamus B, 23 Jan 2019


Thanking you all for a Very Helpful tuition/ course/procedures

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Aaron F, 23 Jan 2019


Course seemed not relevant to our roles as Field Engineers. Throughout the day and a half of the course we were constantly told that "this will not relate to your role". Hearing that throughout a course does not peak anyone's interest at all. Also the practical side of the course was also not very relevant to our job roles. The first practical I have been told by other engineers that they have not had to make up plugs in around 15years or so as there is no longer a need to - it is an interesting skill to have but not relevant to my job role anymore. The other practical's were not relevant at all, in our job roles I have never heard or been told we will ever have to deal with that side of the job as we are now Unified Comms Technicians which means we specifically deal with the Telecommunications and not much else. I found the trainer occasionally disinterested in the course themselves and did not ever encourage class or group discussions except for the last hour of the whole course in one of the practical's. The course was also just full of theory, but not the theory we can get involved in, it was nearly a whole day and a half of just listening to the instructor talk while we looked at the occasional picture with text on the board.
Response : Dear Aaron Thank you for your comments we welcome feedback on our courses and trainers. Firstly may I address your comments regarding the course content. We are constrained by the syllabus that was originally agreed with Vodafone. We are not told about those attending what their roles or responsibilities are. So from time to time we may find that not all the course content is relevant to a particular individual. We will be reviewing this course with Vodafone shortly and will take your comments on board when we come to discuss the next revision of the course. As regards the capabilities of the Trainer. Joga (your trainer for the course) has a wealth of experience and is highly regarded by Vodafone and ourselves so I was very surprised by your comments regarding his attitude during the course as he is usually very conscientious about his training delivery. I have spoken with Joga and it was certainly not his intention to give the impression of being disinterested in fact he was instrumental in putting this course together when he was a Vodafone employee. So he takes a keen interest in it. However, we take your comments seriously and will endeavour to make improvements wherever we can.

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Nathan P, 22 Jan 2019


if a long more technical course incorporating some design was on offer I would sign up

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tony w, 18 Jan 2019


could have had more hands on, if another fuse board ( did not have to be live ) for people to connect up the DC cables. So need at least one more rack with fused may be two.

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Jonny B, 17 Jan 2019


As per usual, PTT meet all our expectations. We have now used PTT for new edition's, PAT, testing and inspection and design courses and every time we have come away confident in the subject. I would recommend PTT to anyone in the Electrical industry trying to enhance there qualifications and knowledge.

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