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Proactive Technical Training Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 1622 reviews

Neil G, 08 Aug 2023

Esfandiar K, 22 Mar 2023


I was expecting more practical activities and taking some data which represent a realistic applications of Solar PV in the real life The trainer was just reading through power points and not enough time for Q & A. No reading materials were provided for the learners to read about the technical information for future reference. The course did not satisfy my expectations. Certainly not a good value for the course fee.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

hamzah q, 21 Sep 2020

Nowhere near enough time to revise for the exam considering the amount of content covered. Steve however was able to efficiently get through all the modules in an efficient manner and was good at presenting the course.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Gerald H, 07 Jan 2019


This course had far too much emphasis on just passing the exam and should really have been based on the document- how it is put together, the evolution of it, how to apply it etc. . Passing the exam at the end of the course would have been a natural progression.
Response : Dear Gerald Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry your experience on the course was not altogether a good one. Regarding the course content or method of delivery. This was Sam's first time of delivering this course in full and his method of delivery is different to that used by our other more experienced trainers. I accept your comments regarding placing more emphasis on the structure content and application of the regs and will discuss this with Sam. Regarding the distractions in the classroom I will discuss this with our staff and look to making possible improvements. Regards Steve Redpath Director

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[ Inappropriate review ]

robert p, 28 Jun 2018

To be honest having to make a plug up once again seems pretty pointless. Bewteen the 8 of us on the course none had less than 20 years experience and this should taken into account instead of getting us to make a 3 pin plug up

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Stefan M, 05 Apr 2018

Course title is Rack Safety but Content does not match. An on site excursion to the cabinets might be helpful. DC Engineers already have a grade of Knowledge this should be taken into consideration. It was a Course for absolute beginners and almost houshold awareness.
Response : Dear Stefan Thank you for your feedback your comments are appreciated and welcomed. In response to your comments, I agree that the course title is somewhat misleading. The course is a cut down version of our more extensive rack maintenance course and this course is primarily aimed to raise awareness of the dangers of electricity and in hindsight it would have been better to rename the course title accordingly. Regarding visiting cabinets installations during the course, this is included in our full rack maintenance course but under guidance from Vodafone this was not included in this course due to the logistical and practical limitations involved and the level of content requested. Regarding the technical level, we have to consider that we will be delivering this course to a broad spectrum of delegates some of whom have little or no electrical power/installation knowledge. Some references are made to domestic installations during the course as this provides some familiarity to those unfamiliar with commercial/industrial electrical installations. We have delivered this specific course now to a number of locations and generally the feedback has been very positive including those from delegates on the course that you attended. I regret that in your case the course did not meet your expectations and we will endeavor to address some of your concerns on future courses where possible.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Adam `, 20 Mar 2018
