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Happy Reviews
simi s, 13 Oct 2020
Enjoyed the training and learnt how to set Zoom meetings
Darren N, 13 Oct 2020
Really useful. Already had decent knowledge of Zoom but now greatly improved.
Pauline E, 13 Oct 2020
There is one section in the slides that we seem to have skipped and that I would have been keen to explore. Otherwise excellent session - probably as good as can be in a virtual context.
Muhammad M, 13 Oct 2020
Maybe I joined late today and also missed the session 1, I would be better equipped to provide accurate feedback . I did like very much the discussion part over selected topics
Adrian W, 13 Oct 2020
There was enough substance in the two hours to clarify some new approaches to supporting my team. As the trainer said, the subject could have been elaborated on at much greater length to explore those approaches.
debra s, 13 Oct 2020
good training, maybe good to gage computer technology sills before training
nick s, 13 Oct 2020
It could have been longer and probably would have been face to face.
Nick M, 13 Oct 2020
Office 365, Share point and other Microsoft applications are clearly link. I am not sure what we wanted was addressed. This might be down to specification. However I would expect the experts at Happy to of better extracted our requirements
Claire M, 12 Oct 2020
Honestly, I usually hate these kinds of trainings. The are often poorly put together, not well targeted to a particular audience, and only worth about a quarter of the time allotted to them, but this was actually great and I took a lot from it. A pleasant surprise!