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Happy Reviews
Clare Q, 15 Oct 2020
This has been a fantastic, practical course that has given me huge insights into myself, my leadership style and how I can get the best out of the teams I work with. This course was delivered in a challenging time, but the two sessions delivered over zoom were really well led and I felt like I was still able to get a huge amount out of them, testament to Paul as a really excellent facilitator.
Marousa N, 15 Oct 2020
Fantastic course, very practical
Tracy C, 15 Oct 2020
Really enjoyed the practical tools that can be used together to improve impact, trust and buy in.
David L, 15 Oct 2020
Really enjoyed how practical course was to specific problems we are dealing with.
Clare M, 15 Oct 2020
I didn't find today as useful as the other 3 workshops. I wonder if it is because the other 3 workshops concentrated more on personal styles/techniques and this one has been a bit more system/process.
Dirk V, 14 Oct 2020
Great training - I think this was my first management training (after 20 years at ODI...)
Irene S, 14 Oct 2020
Session 1 was very good and gave me food for thought on how to better manage my team and do not forget to take into account their communication styles. The multipliers section also provided useful insights on how to better use the abilities of my team.
Sara B, 14 Oct 2020
Short focused session - very clear and concise
Sara B, 14 Oct 2020
Really good session with time for practice - focused on one aspect which was useful