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Happy Reviews
Francine H, 02 Nov 2020
Difficulty at the right level, good content and speed, many useful tips. Tutor very polite and friendly.
Manit D, 02 Nov 2020
The training was helpful. Can i please sugegst if we can have a live screen shared to see how to go about things than a presentations as it makes it much easier.
clementine f, 02 Nov 2020
really useful session that achieved the objectives
Jackie H, 30 Oct 2020
Really enjoyed the day and meeting all the other people
Irene S, 30 Oct 2020
Informative session which provided tools that I can use in the future to better exploit my team's skills. Interesting session on coaching.
Arvinder D, 30 Oct 2020
Sal the facilitator was very helpful, and she made learning very easy. Working at my pace, and encouraging me. I feel more confident about using Excel. She's a star!
Debbie L, 30 Oct 2020
Learnt loads - definitely helps me to focus and therefore be more productive
Richard S, 30 Oct 2020
The 15 minutes twice a day is a really interesting and good structure in particular I'd like to adopt around doing some work on pastoral, self-care and reflection within the teams at my organisation.
helen r, 30 Oct 2020
Really fantastic course! very practical and easy to implement ideas.