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Reed Learning Reviews

Showing 3 star reviews : View all 1285 reviews

loren m, 25 Mar 2025

It is confusing that a cohort and apprenticeship has been mixed, it feels like we are different stages. I don't feel the assignment has been explained at all

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mary t, 25 Mar 2025

This is very different to the Level 3 so it wasn't what i was expecting? I still feel in the dark about what we are supposed to be doing, the assignment wasn't spoken about step by step and it wasn't explained how it was all going to work for the assignments. in the level 3 each call was with our tutor and then we went through the assignment and what was expected from us. This webinar felt like i had missed a previous webinar as it felt like it should be an extra call? I dont think its the Trainers fault but how its different to the level 3 doesn't work and it feels disorganised. Also being in with a different cohort isnt helpful as its too busy and all at different parts of the course.

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Libby N, 04 Dec 2024

Lots of activities. Lots of time to ask questions. Good understanding of course.

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PAULA C, 04 Dec 2024

I really enjoyed the dynamic, he was super engaging throughout the entire session. I’m not happy about not following each question as we usually do, but I understand the reasons behind it. Thanks!

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Lucy S, 23 Oct 2024

In other courses I found jam boards really useful. I didn’t really feel I came away confident with the content sorry 🫣 possibly need more examples

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Claire H, 09 Oct 2024

Number of issues with this one. Firstly, the VLE states the deadline for submission as 1st October and we didn’t have the first workshop until 2 October. Link not sent until l support chased. Not for the first time the workshop tutor had different indicative content to that on my VLE and this time Fiona had a different question to us for 3.2 ( apart from one group member). As a group we don’t mind which question we answer, but need to feel sure the Assessor is marking against the right indicative content to our question. Fiona did adapt the session to leave out breakout groups as several members busy and appreciated that it was confusing for us.

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Samantha H, 24 Sep 2024

Anthony is a really engaging facilitator who draws on relevant examples and makes the content fun and interesting.

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Andrea A, 26 Sep 2023

Evelyn is great trainer, very concise, practical, however I would have love to receive more theory and information about the consulting stakeholder management and stakeholder analysis, what I found very demanding in the people professional role.

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Ailsa W, 18 May 2023

Great course content, support and nice use of video elements and some additional explanations. Felt supported and guided. Great pace of delivery.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Pamela G, 23 Aug 2022

I have been in Further Education for 20-years and along with my own teaching delivering to thousands of candidates I also have experience of the asynchronous teaching provided by the Open University. I was disappointed by the lack of ability for WM to offer a blended, asynchronous learning experience. I understand that you are restricted by the CIPD in the course content. However, the provision, for each module, was inconsistent in content, links did not work, there were materials uploaded onto the platform that did not conform to copyright regulations for education. The lack of a lectures (recorded would have been sufficient) to provide an overview of the module was unacceptable. Therefore, you do not have a ‘VLE’ you merely have an online depository of (in some instances) outdated material and static materials. Your platform lacks development and is void of activities that encourage engagement, there is no ability to interact with other candidates on the course. In addition, there is a lack of credible formative assessment activities designed to provide feedback. Learning platforms, even of the most basic subscription, can allow for excellent teaching and learning tools that work well for adult learners. It allows for staff and candidates to monitor progress, understanding and allow interaction with others on the course. This is especially useful to encourage critical thinking and support research on key topics such as those in our assignments. My tutor was valuable and would encourage me to proceed with completing my assignments but did not signpost materials and activities on the platform - when I checked this was due, in my opinion, to the material being irrelevant. The only workshops were the two pre-exam sessions per exam. (The only webinar was that provided by CIPD on exam expectations). Therefore, the only time we were encouraged to meet fellow students was prior to the exams.
Response : Dear Pamela. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Coursecheck and we are pleased that you found your personal tutor valuable. At Watson Martin we work hard to ensure that all our candidates enjoy their learning journey with us so it was disappointing to read your comments about the VLE. Our candidates at all CIPD levels usually find our VLE very helpful, many of them comment on the breadth and depth of the learning materials provided. We do take all feedback very seriously as it helps us to ensure our programmes maintain a high standard and I will raise your points with our delivery team. Congratulations on achieving your CIPD Level 7 qualification and all the best for your future career.

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