Nadege N, 25 Mar 2025
Great session, learnt a lot! Data I will conquer this.
Lauren P, 25 Mar 2025
Anthony has been very engaging and informative of the presentation.
Rebecca T, 07 Sep 2023
I have been extremely disappointed with my experience with my Foundation HR Course. I paid £1890 for the course, with the first payment made on 21/2/22. on then started with Watson Martin on the 2/3/22. I was assigned to Leanne Bucknor. She was lovely, we had a couple fabulous chats on zoom for Module 1 and Module 2 and it was a great start. Reed Learning then took over. I submitted my first draft for Module 3 in September of 2022. Unfortunately the 2021 versions of assignments (which I downloaded at the start of working on Module 3) were no longer available to submit so then had to make changes to the content. I resubmitted in November 2022. In January 2023 I submitted Module 4 and was only then found out my consultant changed. I was unaware of this as likely the email went into junk. My new Consultant Davina, has not been well this year I understand, so appreciate things got held up. However I submitted Module 3 (again, as it obviously hadn't been submitted for verification and was now required in a different format) and Module 4 in February 2023. Finally in August (6 months later) I heard that I passed. This course has taken far longer to complete than it should have, taking away the satisfaction of completion that I should feel.
Jake T, 11 Jul 2023
I did this course thinking it would be an enjoyable learning experience with a wide range of support available. Little did I know that you are simply given a 100 page study guide for each unit and told to crack on without any support. No webinars, no training, no student collaboration and no coaching. The VLE wasn’t interactive or visual. It was just full of resources that had been pulled from google which anyone could access. I should have used a different provider who offers a better learning experience for their students to get better value for money.Response : Hi Jake. It was disappointing to read your feedback as we work hard to ensure all our students have a positive experience with us. As a result, it's rare for us to receive such negative comments about one of our programmes. We offer four different study methods for our CIPD Diploma courses which, due to their design and cost, offer different levels of support. While each mode of studying comes with tutor support throughout the programme, there are some notable differences. For example, had you selected our workshop programme, you would have joined a series of interactive group learning sessions which might have been more suited to your learning style. You chose our flexible 100% online delivery method which allows you to learn at your own pace at a time of your choosing, accessing the many learning materials and resources on the VLE. During this time, you were supported with 1:1s when requested from a highly experienced tutor. We provide a wide range of resources, recorded content, study guides and relevant materials on our VLE which we know our students find very helpful. In fact, many of them comment on how long it would take them to research the topics themselves if they were unable to access the VLE. However, we are sorry you didn’t enjoy your learning experience. Congratulations on achieving your qualification.
Abbie M, 01 Jun 2023
this is the last of my core modules and I feel that there is a real change in this one - I experienced this at the start of my course where a Level 7 tutor stepped in for the afternoon and the change from Level 5 to 7 is so noticeable, and problematic. Whilst the lecturer clearly had a wealth of knowledge and we covered a lot - I don't feel particularly well directed in how to answer the questions. referring to the candidate guidance is a much more directed way of working & there was no mention of this in the session. Likewise, not using Jam boards means I have nothing tangible to take away from the learning points that weren't from my breakout groups - in this case, whole topic points. there were some people on the day today that this is their first module - I would be totally lost and petrified if I were them & its because we've been delivered the topic at Level 7 expectations. I have no real contact with my tutor so I can only hope they do and they can get guidance on things such as not spending massive amounts of word count on 'Explain' questions - despite spending tons of time in session today on those points.
Emma H, 06 Oct 2021
I think far too much time was spent at the beginning of the session with introductions and going through basic exam preparation e.g. what analysing and evaluation means. We only completed one Learning outcome before lunch so the afternoon session felt very rushed and we did not go into detail of the last learning outcomes. I think it was useful to look at the past questions but we were not guided to other resources on where to actually find the information and research to answer the questions fully, it was assumed that we would know all this from being HR practitioners which is not the case.
Tuba G, 16 Mar 2021
The course relies on self education, making the payment for the course highly questionable. Outdated online content, no interactive course materials, such as video content or audio recordings and 'handbooks' that are riddled with notes and feedback from tutors, presumably as these are the works of previous students. Overall, I'm disappointed that I was left completely to my own devices.
Kathryn C, 12 Jan 2021
I hadn't realised that there wasn't a taught element to the course. I knew it was online, self directed learning but I thought there may be a couple of taught sessions/videos to watch per learning outcome. It did come as quite a shock that all that was really provided was a recommended reading list and some links to articles/blogs to read. Similarly, only two of the selected learning outcomes had workbooks to guide learning. My advisor/coach was available when I needed a steer on which direction to take so please don't take the 1 star review as any reflection on him. I would have given the trainer category 0 as there wasn't a trainer.Response : Thanks for your feedback on Coursecheck and we're sorry that your learning journey didn’t live up to your expectations on this occasion. The programme you chose is designed specifically for candidates who prefer to learn online at a fast pace but supported by our comprehensive VLE and 1:1s with an expert adviser. It is offered at a cheaper price than other delivery methods because it does not include any formal teaching sessions. Congratulations on achieving your qualification and best of luck with your future career.
Amy S, 27 Oct 2020
The day was quite jumbled and the pace wasn't great. We took 3 hours to get through 11 slides and then a few minutes to get through the last 10 slides. I appreciate that the trainer had personal circumstances occurring and this may have affected her delivery. I felt that I did not learn much and it wasn't truly beneficialResponse : Hi Amy. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Coursecheck. We are sorry that this workshop did not meet our usual high standards. 7HRC is a very broad topic with a large amount of content to cover in one day so having to move from a more interactive face-to-face workshop to online delivery because of the current restrictions has proved challenging. In addition, a personal issue on the day meant our trainer had to take an urgent call which caused a short interruption. We will be carrying out a full review of the workshop and will pick up your particular points about the pace and delivery. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the topics covered during the workshop, Zita will be very happy to pick these up with you. As an experienced tutor with extensive subject knowledge, she will certainly take your feedback on board in preparation for the next workshop.
Louis B, 23 Oct 2020
The delivery was not clear. The pace was not consistent. The material would have been sufficient alongside clear and informed delivery, but unfortunately the latter was missing. The leader of the session could have been more informed about certain issues and more prepared to answer questions.Response : Hi Louis. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Coursecheck. We are sorry that this workshop did not meet our usual high standards. 7HRC is a very broad topic with a large amount of content to cover in one day so having to move from a more interactive face-to-face workshop to online delivery because of the current restrictions has proved challenging for this module. We will be carrying out a full review of the workshop and will pick up your particular points about the pace and delivery to ensure there will be plenty of time for questions. In the meantime, if you have any particular points that need clarifying, Zita will be very happy to pick these up with you. As an experienced tutor with extensive subject knowledge, she will certainly take your feedback on board in preparation for the next workshop.