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Green Cross Global Reviews

Brian T, 15 Oct 2020

very good defibrillator practices and also cpr

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Robert M, 12 Oct 2020


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Tanya M, 09 Oct 2020

Very hard to gt onto the virtual courses as platform dosent always work . The content dosent always save even when following instructions Lack of communication when the platform is down makes it hard to inform colleagues which then causes added frustration when they are trying to complete
Response : Hi Tanya, Please accept our apologies, the feedback you are referring to is for our Annual Refresher e-Learning. The LMS we have been using has been temperamental and we have now moved over to a new LMS. We are in discussion with your employer to migrate over to this new platform.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Adam N, 08 Oct 2020

The parts that were limited to Covid were noticeable, but Sarah was an absolute delight, clearly knowledgeable and everybody enjoyed the day much more than the one we ran three years ago (through a different provider)

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Will L, 05 Oct 2020

The feedback from all the delegates was very positive and they thoroughly enjoyed the course throughout the three days. The two instructors were quite popular and received high praise.

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David D, 01 Oct 2020

An excellent mix of instruction and questions. Good use of practical elements, even with the CoVid-19 limitations. All of the delegates had done this course a number of times before, and Teri easily managed to keep our interest, challenge us and make it a fun learning experience. Well done!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Dougie B, 01 Oct 2020

I was happy with the 2 day course provided by Teri, and would have probably scored 5/5 if it wasn't for Covid 19 restricting us doing more activities. Teri was a good presenter and able to keep us all engaged and professional throughout. There was good two way communication throughout the training which made the training interesting & engaging. The most important thing that Teri did was challenge people when they weren't doing something correctly - e.g. Rate/Depth during CPR - this is vital to ensure people go out with the correct skills

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Diane A, 28 Sep 2020

Andy was a great trainer

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Sandy C, 21 Sep 2020

on the 1st day the room was overcrowded and in my colleagues opinion, was not a safe size of room for the number of people in it, due to Covid restrictions. She felt nervous about being put in that position and did think about leaving. The 2nd day was in a bigger room and although not ideal, she felt less nervous.
Response : Good morning, thank you for your feedback . All of our venues are continually being risk assessed and monitored to meet the ever changing covid19 guidelines. I will be investigating this further .

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Georgia G, 07 Sep 2020

Ash was great at keeping us all engaged & helping us use real life experiences to explain the course material to us.

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