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Mental Health First Aid Wales Reviews
Terry S, 30 Apr 2021
I feel better prepared/armed with the tools to help someone in crisis
Catherine P, 30 Apr 2021
The course was really useful and accessible. It dealt with a number of issues that could potentially be considered quite heavy and intimidating and made them less so. The only thing that I found a little difficult was trying to complete the materials within a week to access the second webinar as I had to try and balance it around workload. I found that I had to squeeze this in where I could and perhaps didn't absorb as much as I could have.
Sian H, 30 Apr 2021
I really enjoyed the course, I was surprised by some of the Statistics and feel prepared and on signs to look out for depression etc
Lorraine J, 29 Apr 2021
I really enjoyed the course and learnt so much around mental health.
Laura P, 29 Apr 2021
Stephanie was great, was very calm and made the group feel at ease, but didn't pressure anyone to speak. The online content was really easy to digest, and not too long or time consuming. Especially with a subject like this, there could have been a risk that it felt like it was too much. But it was really brilliant! Thank you
Rebekah C, 16 Apr 2021
Thank you Gwen & Rhys I have been passionate to be an advocate and supporter for MH for some years and feel very proud to have accomplished training on your supportive course. Look forward to keep in touch for updates and advice along the way! Best Wishes Beks
Laura F, 16 Apr 2021
Just want to say thank you again to Gwen and Rhys, you made the week so interesting and engaging!
Clare W, 16 Apr 2021
Great course materials, great delivery. I just wondered if it had to be delivered over 5 days as there was a lot of free time on the course so could have been compressed to 4 days possibly? It is hard to release staff from clinical duties for such a long period and a shorter course would make it easier for people to attend.
Richard H, 16 Apr 2021
Would definitely recommend, Mental Health support is needed now more than ever and increasing people's awareness and ability to help can only be good for everyone involved.
MAIRI D, 15 Apr 2021
Enjoyed and benefited from being a small group ie 2 people +trainer so were able to discuss specific examples