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Ioda Reviews
Joanne C, 01 Dec 2020
I thought the course was really useful, and definitely helpful to my role. Something to practice going forwards, and i will review the techniques regularly as it will take lots of practice. I feel now that I can consider my approach in a more structured way.
Stephanie W, 01 Dec 2020
Lovely relaxed yet well informed day.
Amy C, 01 Dec 2020
Found the session really interesting and engaging.
Michelle S, 01 Dec 2020
Thought provoking; skills and knowledge from a previous career are relevant and transferable to my current position.
Joe C, 01 Dec 2020
Very interesting course, good delivery pace and engaging delivery. Well timetabled as more than 1h30 at a screen I personally find difficult to concentrate on. Would like to practice negotiating but understand the difficulty of this on a virtual course over MS teams!
Lakshan W, 01 Dec 2020
Good day.. had a bit of technical difficulties.
Lesley F, 01 Dec 2020
Given the limitations of having to do this virtually, rather than classroom, it was a very useful course.
Zara S, 01 Dec 2020
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the training. Found it extremely useful. I am still relatively new into the engagement aspect of my role so I think this was great to give me some direction as to how to approach it in difference situation. Very interesting, I hope I can put it into practice