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Ioda Reviews
Rachel D, 02 Dec 2020
Really clear and easy to follow, lots of opportunities to link the learning to consolidating this in our assignments.
Peter B, 02 Dec 2020
Good overall. Zoom is not a good program for people with poor connections. Teams much better
christine w, 02 Dec 2020
It was a good leadership course
Anna T, 02 Dec 2020
Very informative and thought provoking
Lucy M, 02 Dec 2020
Thank you very informative and confronting for self reflection.
Abigail B, 01 Dec 2020
Really enjoyed it. Glad to have the 1/2 hour and 1 hour break as its tiring on Teams. Liked the use of videos for group and hands up - helped me feel confident to input.
Alex N, 01 Dec 2020
Slightly concerned that Richard has used his extremely honed skills on us all and we are all now going to buy cat food & double glazing and only ever wear blue shirts! It would have been good to hear some of Richard's personal experiences & outcomes where he has used the techniques on their own or mixed together The technology worked OK - but struggled with it at times - found the afternoon quite a long session in one go - would have preferred a shorter lunch and an afternoon break. Enjoyed the interaction and use of pollev.
Terrie P, 01 Dec 2020
Great trainer - delivered with some humour and entertainment. Made it interesting and kept me engaged throughout even with the technical difficulties which were easily overcome.