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CB Training by Supportive Solutions Reviews
Emmanuel A, 09 Jul 2020
Great Tutor! Would like to learn more!
Abigail K, 09 Jul 2020
All objectives were met Course content was clear Presentation was clear
Emma M, 09 Jul 2020
Really useful and knowledgeable. Thank you
Martin S, 09 Jul 2020
Could do with IHC documents from share point
Marie T, 09 Jul 2020
Learned a couple of new things which is always the objective
Shameelah P, 09 Jul 2020
covered all aspects for inside and outside of work, strongly recommended the zoom during this pandemic and he made the course spaced out still giving a break in-between for us to function properly again.
penny c, 09 Jul 2020
Good overall course I feel as a refresher but unsure if you have never taken blood before, the actual face to face training would have helped allay those initial fears of taking the first sample etc.