Alisha S, 15 Feb 2023
Senior clinical lead made the session enjoyable! Although the slides weren’t alway accurate or relevant to BLS he ensured we had the correct knowledge. Some slides were aimed at ILS and ALS and were too complex. The trainer made sense of these slides and took everyone’s thoughts on board
Esther L, 15 Feb 2023
The deteriorating patient A-E and sepsis was poor. The A-E did not teach much, the slides were vague and generalised. SIR is an outdated term we don not use any more in practice. Sepsis is NOT blood poisoning: blood poisoning can cause sepsis. This is extremely important and frustrating as my recent substansive role was Acutely Ill Patient Education and patient safety where I taught sepsis courses for the trust. It is imperative that information delivered is correct and up to date. Also I feel that in BLS it should be clarified that the non shockable rhythms do require more intervention than just CPR.
Victoria H, 13 Feb 2023
Face to face would be far better.
Anne C, 13 Feb 2023
Really concerned about the participant crying about her trauma. Felt it was badly dealt with. Helpful re.covid and mouth to mouth. Have been a nurse for over 40 years so update helpful but was aware of most of the information recovered.
Rosamma J, 09 Feb 2023
The place is not appropriate for this training