Debbie H, 11 Nov 2019
I very much enjoyed the course and was reminded of some of the ways I can improve my mental health and reduce my stress levels. I also picked up some great tips from others on the course, something I wouldn't achieve on an e-learning module. Although the workbook was useful, the manual was very comprehensive and I didn't use all the notes in the workbook. However, I appreciate that some people's learning style benefits from making notes.
Debbie M, 11 Nov 2019
It was really helpful in terms of understanding how the brain itself works but more importantly how you can change/take positive actions to reduce stress or the stress bucket, it was good to discuss in groups in terms of what causes you stress at home/work and how I can take positive action and develop a positive action plan. Thought provoking and really very helpful.
Pam L, 08 Nov 2019
Throughly enjoyed. Very thought provoking. Has made me identify some things to maintain my own mental health and try to help my team. Consideration should be given to work policies on outside core hours emails, contact etc to minimise feelings of pressure and stress due to volume. Definitely a great course for everyone.
Myra O, 08 Nov 2019
The afternoon session was informative related to my responsibilities as a manager. I plan to use the book provided to revisit some aspects for my role and with my staff. The biggest area for thought will be the new vision for the PCC. It struck me that I am more cynical than I realised and that is something I will need to reflect on.
Fiona A, 08 Nov 2019
Comprehensive and set the scene for the future - vision, culture etc. - very clearly and the basis for that. The devil will be in the delivery and I would really value the opportunity to discuss and engage with directors and, possibly, the rest of the organization before it is finalised. This would ensure that we would understand the challenges of delivery and I believe that it would ensure that it is founded in the reality of the context in which we are working.
James C, 08 Nov 2019
Good course and would be helpful for all staff to learn the information they have given.
Rob H, 08 Nov 2019
Very personally rewarding and eye opening.
fiona c, 08 Nov 2019
i really enjoyed this and benefitted from taking time out to think about this and will take the time to reinforce this as i think it is very important - i knew about mental health but this has really built upon my knowledge
Gillian S, 08 Nov 2019
Excellent so far, looking forward to the afternoon session
Karen M, 08 Nov 2019
Very thought provoking Great workbook that I will take home and read properly Felt latter part of the morning was a little bit rushed - went through quicker than the first part of the morning. More time spent on each of the 3 principles of positivity if possible as these will end up being our tools that we take forward.