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The National Centre for Suicide Prevention Education & Training UK CIC Reviews
Jane M, 12 May 2023
Great course so far, makes as much sense as it all can a this stage. Only with practice and 'real world' delivery will we fully get to grips with the materials, content, and course. So far the Train the Trainer has given as much as can be to make that achievable. Thank you!
Robert T, 12 May 2023
Very interesting and a lot of useful information
Paul I, 12 May 2023
Well delivered and interpersonal course with lots to be learned.
Ryan E, 11 May 2023
Good day, all the information delivered you'd expect from the course.
Ginette C, 11 May 2023
Great course, thank you for teaching a difficult subject so effectively.
Colin H, 11 May 2023
I feel that in the event I observed someone showing signs or symptoms of suicidal behaviour I am now in the position to deal with this comfortably
Atha F, 11 May 2023
Very delicate subject that was handled well.
Karolina D, 11 May 2023
It is a fantastic training which I recommended to my colleagues
James C, 11 May 2023
Really good that Matt is doing this, especially in our industry and relating to all levels. Will have a really positive impact on improving mental health.