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Trigraph Intelligent Learning Reviews
Shirley O, 07 Apr 2020
Excellent course well pitched, practical advice, thank you !
Stephen K, 07 Apr 2020
Very well executed presentation and efficient use of online video.
sandra n, 07 Apr 2020
I enjoyed the course-especially Sean's answer to questions at end. I would prefer more examples /cases. Helpful slides. Good compering by Chris.
Tracey O, 07 Apr 2020
I thought the course was well facilitated and presented. I would have liked a little more content on stakeholder management but perhaps that could be a topic for another day! Thank you Trigraph for the free webinar - it is a great time to think about strategy so all such material is very welcome.
Kevin G, 07 Apr 2020
Overall a very good overview and it will help me in the future. I just think if it was 90mins and perhaps a Q&A midway and end. Finally a link to future course resources and if the participants want to tell the colleague of boss how to progress or organize something similar. In these times a chance for us to retrain and calibrate our careers. If you want to email me I can suggest it to my team at Boston Scientific Galway.
Terri S, 07 Apr 2020
A longer webinar would be appreciated, even if there was to be a series, maybe one session per week over a few weeks.
Brendan B, 07 Apr 2020
I found the hour very interesting, I work in the Public Sector, the dynamics of 'start to finish' project management works slightly differently in my Sector. I deal with multiple projects on an ongoing basis and communicating with all stakeholders can be problematic, as levels of importance of projects can fluctuate, these fluctuations are impossible to predict. I did like the comment about 'Steering Groups/Committees'.
Garbhan M, 06 Apr 2020
Very happy with the course. Felt all topics were well covered with constant reference to pages from the manual for more details. Quizzes at the end of each topic also helped further understanding.