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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Becky F, 05 Jul 2019
Chris Poots was an excellent trainer who gave full and concise information. He made the course fun and enjoyable and has impacted on my daily work life. I have already implemented the Ergo exercises amongst the Accounts Receivable team, and we all do these at 11:00am and 2:30pm. its a little bit of fun (although it is taken seriously) and gets everyone away from their desks for a couple of minutes. I have found myself subconsciously using the advantage of threes, which when I realised just reiterated that the course was well worth it! Thank you again to Chris!
Natasha H, 05 Jul 2019
I found the course really enjoyable and useful. I can see that my accuracy and my speed at completing exercises have both increased throughout the course, and I got zero errors on my post-course assessment. Particularly, I have found the advantage of 3s to be very useful in helping my accuracy. The trainer was enthusiastic and friendly.
Rachel H, 05 Jul 2019
I found the course really useful and it was really good to see that as a left handed person we had been thought of in the work books and where to write the answers, this made things much easier.
Anastasia K, 04 Jul 2019
In my current role I am not dealing with data entry or processing information manually so perhaps the course is not exactly too relevant to my work, however,I have enjoyed the course and the way the trainer has delivered the material, this course has definitely improved my speed and accuracy.
Daniel F, 04 Jul 2019
I feel that that a number of tests were based on how quickly you could write rather than your accuracy...
Faizan H, 03 Jul 2019
I thought that the training sessions were very enjoyable, helped with the trainer getting involved with the people attending the session. Spoke very clearly and make jokes to interact with us and keep us interested. Was very good and very useful, especially in the job role I have.
Anne F, 03 Jul 2019
I really enjoyed the course. It was well-structured but intense, but time just flew by. The activities really gave plenty of opportunities to practice and to look at data in a different way. Some useful tips and techniques. The watch out worksheets were useful to flag when there were errors so it helped as a mental reminder of things to look out for in different data sets. I liked the presentation style of Chris Poots. He kept the flow and pace of the sessions, but so everyone was on board and was keeping up. Thank you.
John S, 03 Jul 2019
A very enjoyable course, with no fluff/padding and straight to the point.
Christopher O, 26 Jun 2019
Good course, very useful techniques.
Hugh S, 25 Jun 2019
A good course that trains you to be more accurate. It works!